Airway – Unanticipated Difficult Airway

Last Updated: June 14th, 2021
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Outcome Data
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The ACH Site Airway Committee developed institutional standards for intubations occurring outside of the operating room. These expectations are encapsulated by the airway checklists (divided into Physician, RRT and RN sections performed independently with a team time out, the difficult airway algorithms and a sizing guide.

If at any time there has been 3 intubation attempts, a Difficult Airway Activation must be called to bring to the bedside the most experienced persons available.

Intubation outcome data (e.g. number of attempts, adverse events) for the ACH is classified by location (ED, PICU, NICU and Transport) and is available on the Outcomes tab. This data is an extension of our involvement in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia based NEAR4KIDS intubation database.

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