Autoimmune encephalitis is an increasing common serious diagnosis in children. Treatment with immune modulating therapies should be started in suspected severe cases even before the diagnosis is fully established in order to improve the outcome.
Most Recent References
Encephalitis in previously healthy children. Fraley, C., Pettersson, D., & Nolt, D. Pediatrics in Review. 2021;42(2):68-77.
Autologous stem cell transplantation in common variable immunodeficiency: a case of successful treatment of severe refractory autoimmune encephalitis. Froehlich, M., Schwaneck, E., Gernert, M. et al. Frontiers in Immunology. 2020;11:1317.
Diagnostic test accuracy of the biofire film array meningitis/encephalitis panel: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Tansarli GS & Chapin KC. Clinical Microbiology & Infection. 2020;26(3):281-290.