Bone health in preterm infants is a critical aspect of their overall well-being, as they are born before completing the full term of gestation and may face unique challenges in bone development. The prevention and treatment of metabolic bone disease is essential to prevent fractures and ensure proper growth and development. This guideline aims to provide guidance on best nutritional and clinical practices to prevent, laboratory monitor, and treat metabolic bone disease.
Most Recent References
The Effect of Daily Exercise Program on Bone Mineral Density and Cortisol Level in Preterm Infants with Very Low Birth Weight: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Sezer Efe Y, Erdem E, Gunes T. Journal of pediatric nursing. 2020;51:e6-e12.
Electrolyte and Mineral Composition of Term Donor Human Milk before and after Pasteurization and of Raw Milk of Preterm Mothers. Codo CRB, Caldas JPS, Peixoto RRA, Sanches VL, Guiraldelo TC, Cadore S, et al. Revista paulista de pediatria : orgao oficial da Sociedade de Pediatria de Sao Paulo. 2018;36(2):141-7. Composicao eletrolitica e mineral do leite de lactantes a termo pre e pos-pasteurizacao e de leite cru de maes de recem-nascidos pre-termo.
The Effect of Assisted Exercise Frequency on Bone Strength in Very Low Birth Weight Preterm Infants: A Randomized Control Trial. Litmanovitz I, Erez H, Eliakim A, Bauer-Rusek S, Arnon S, Regev RH, et al. Calcified tissue international. 2016;99(3):237-42.