A comprehensive pathway and guideline for the management of pediatric constipation produced by the Alberta Health Services Strategic Clinical Networks.
Most Recent References
Lubiprostone for pediatric functional constipation: Randomized, controlled, double-blind study with long-term extension. Benninga, M. A., Hussain, S. Z., Sood, M. R., Nurko, S., Hyman, P., Clifford, R. A., O’Gorman, M., Losch-Beridon, T., Mareya, S., Lichtlen, P., & Di Lorenzo, C. (2022). Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 20(3).
Diagnosing Constipation Spectrum Disorders in a Primary Care Setting. Joel & Andino, Nicole & Pineles, David & Poppers, David. (2021). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 10. 1092. 10.3390/jcm10051092.
Medications for constipation in 2020. Medina-Centeno, R. (2020). Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 32(5), 668–673.