These documents cover the initial emergency management of status epilepticus in children. They are divided into two age ranges: newborn to 1 month and 1 month to 18 years of age.
Most Recent References
Levetiracetam Versus Phenytoin or Fosphenytoin for Second-Line Treatment of Pediatric Status Epilepticus: A Meta-Analysis. Jennifer Ann Klowak, Mark Hewitt, Vanessa Catenacci, Mark Duffett, Bram Rochwerg, Kevin Jones, Karen Choong. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2021 Sep 1;22(9):e480-e491.
Levetiracetam Versus Phenobarbital for Neonatal Seizures: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cynthia Sharpe, Gail E Reiner, Suzanne L Davis, Mark Nespeca, Jeffrey J Gold, Maynard Rasmussen, Rachel Kuperman, Mary Jo Harbert, David Michelson, Priscilla Joe, Sonya Wang, Neggy Rismanchi, Ngoc Minh Le, Andrew Mower, Jae Kim, Malcolm R Battin, Brian Lane, Jose Honold, Ellen Knodel, Kathy Arnell, Renee Bridge, Lilly Lee, Karin Ernstrom, Rema Raman, Richard H Haas, NEOLEV2 INVESTIGATORS. 2020 Jun;145(6):e20193182.
Efficacy of levetiracetam, fosphenytoin, and valproate for established status epilepticus by age group (ESETT): a double-blind, responsive-adaptive, randomised controlled trial. James M Chamberlain, Jaideep Kapur, Shlomo Shinnar, Jordan Elm, Maija Holsti, Lynn Babcock, Alex Rogers, William Barsan, James Cloyd, Daniel Lowenstein, Thomas P Bleck, Robin Conwit, Caitlyn Meinzer, Hannah Cock, Nathan B Fountain, Ellen Underwood, Jason T Connor, Robert Silbergleit, Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trials; Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network investigators. 2020 Apr 11;395(10231):1217-1224.