Multi-System Inflammation Syndrome (MIS-C) in Children

Last Updated: March 11th, 2022
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MIS-C is now widely reported around the world in association with the Covid-19 pandemic. Children and adolescents with fever of 3 or more days, with or without a past history of acute COVID infection or known COVID contact, may have MIS-C. Shock, abdominal pain or significant vomiting/diarrhea are prominent features of MIS-C. MIS-C mimics Kawasaki Disease and Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Do not delay anti-microbial therapy because you suspect MIS-C, as it is a diagnosis of exclusion.

In the Key Links tab there is a link to the 2021 UK Consensus Management Guideline for MIS-C, which has been re-named pediatric inflammatory multisystem temporally associated with Covid-19 (PIMS-TS).

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