The ACH approach to post-operative monitoring of preterm and term neonates who are at risk of apnoea.
Most Recent References
Postoperative Apnea in Former Preterm Infants: General Anesthesia or Spinal Anesthesia-Do We Have an Answer? Kurth CD, Coté CJ. Anesthesiology. 2015 May 14.
Regional (spinal, epidural, caudal) versus general anaesthesia in preterm infants undergoing inguinal herniorrhaphy in early infancy. Jones LJ, Craven PD, Lakkundi A, Foster JP, Badawi N. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jun 9;2015(6):CD003669.
Apnea after Awake Regional and General Anesthesia in Infants: The General Anesthesia Compared to Spinal Anesthesia Study-Comparing Apnea and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes, A Randomized Controlled Trial. Davidson AJ, Morton NS, Arnup SJ, de Graaff JC, Disma N, Withington DE, Frawley G, Hunt RW, Hardy P, Khotcholava M, von Ungern Sternberg BS, Wilton N, Tuo P, Salvo I, Ormond G, Stargatt R, Locatelli BG, McCann ME; General Anesthesia compared to Spinal anesthesia (GAS) Consortium. Anesthesiology. 2015 May 14.